Wednesday, November 5, 2008

CGUHS Bond Doesn't Pass-Now What?

This seems to be the questions on everybody's mind today including that of the administrators and the district office. It has been proposed that Fine Arts take the greatest hit, but truth be known, other than band, we are the cheapest programs this district operates. If this district were to completely cut the fine arts as has been proposed prior to the election, then the school would lose their accreditation. I had that confirmed by an administrator today. Besides students are required to have fine arts credit to be accepted into all major universities. I hope that our district really won't put itself into that situation. However....
Does that mean we sit idly by waiting to see what happens? At this point we need to more proactive as staff and students. Here are some steps that we can take.

1. Parents, students, staff need to be attending the board meetings to respectfully express their concerns and questions. These occur the first Tuesday of each month at the CGUHS District Office at 6pm.

2. Letters to the Editor need to be written to make the community aware of what is happening.

3. Organizing student/parent committees to organize petitions, proposals and rally support for the arts.

4.Options need to be seriously looked as by the district as well as the parents and students to create a win-win situation.

Options may include-

The Four Day School Week,

Pay to Play for sports and extra-curricular activities.

Cutting one position in each department as opposed to eliminating the Fine Arts Department.

Reducing the amount of transportation being used for away football games, fieldtrips etc.

Turning off the field lights, auditorium lights, building lights except for when the building is in use for school events only! I'd hate to see their electric bill!

Reducing teacher spending budgets-I don't like that one either, but it may come to that!

Freezing or reducing Salaries-If it keeps our programs, consider it a tax donation!

We have some options before cutting programs!

I can't tell you how shocked, angry and sad I was all at the same time when I found this out! This isn't fair! Let our voices be heard, that we will do what it takes to save these programs. It has already happened where the fine arts have all been cut from the Elementary districts, now its going to happen to the only place where kids can take fine arts classes, I certainly hope not!

If you have any ideas or comments, feel free to post! In fact, this may be one way that we can start protesting any possible fine arts cuts!

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