I've described the amazing dress that my cousin wore. Fashion requires immense artistic ability to work with colors, cuts, design and style right down to the fashions that the bridesmaids and guests wore. At this wedding, there were certainly some artistic statements, although they did confuse me! Examples in the following fashion show.
So now that we've looked at fashion and their artistic value, lets talk about the flowers and decorating. To be able to do this a person must be able to use color and design. The bride's sister, who was the maid of honor, made all of the bouquets, centerpieces and lapel pins. The bride's bouquet was a combination of silk flowers and plastic roses. That's right plastic, made from plastic spoons to be exact. It created a unique look and you know nobody had a bouquet like it! She does sell these "sproses". Look at Phoenix Art Space and type in "Sproses" for more information.
Now music...this is a touchy subject. We requested a country song and the bride did not want any country played at her wedding. What do you define as music? The guests probably would have preferred music to "mosh" to especially because the groom has his own death metal band. Instead, they place classics like Frank Sinatra, Neil Diamond, and some early rap and party songs. So what is appropriate music for dancing too? Walking down the aisle? The bride actually walked down the aisle to Paquelbel's Cannon, a classical piece of music. What artistic ability goes into writing the music and lyrics we listen to everyday? Doesn't that require some artistic ability?
Now the food, especially the cake! You have to have some excellent artistic ability to decorate a cake, especially like this one. The picture really doesn't do it justice. If you want to see the good, bad and ugly cakes, check out cakewrecks.blogspot.com. You can quickly see the artistic and lack of artistic ability. This cake was made by the groom's mom.
So let's look at the overall. Planning a wedding is much like planning a theatrical show. Who are going to be the leads and supporting roles such as the bridal party. What happens when somebody in your "cast" quits at the last minute. You look at the big picture as you begin planning then hone in on the details. The general place and time give way to the details such as what music should we play, when, what happens if something goes wrong at the last minute such as at my wedding when the cake showed up as nothing but a pile of crumbs, or you were so sick at your own wedding you had to make a made dash for the restroom during your first dance with your husband, who covers for you? (Yes it really happened at my wedding!) What order should the grand entrance be in? Who is our audience aka. the wedding guests and what kind of experience do we want to give them? Then you have seating arrangements, general seating-select your table, or reserved, place cards with assigned seating? Then there are lighting decisions, candlelight, disco lights, etc?
We celebrate some of our most memorable events in life with art and even the not so memorable with art and we seldom realize it. Planning a wedding is almost identical to planning a show for our guests and we are the performers. We have drama, love, passion, fun and closure when the bride and groom leave. The wedding is one of the ultimate stage productions we perform in and is one of the most significant events of our lives1
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